Why Dogs Bite and How to Prevent It


A large number of people are bitten by dogs in America and Canada every year and one fifth of them end up needing medical attention for their wounds. The most common victims are children with half of them being under the age of thirteen. Children are more likely to be severely injured by dog bites given their small size and the fact that they are now aware of how they should act around a dog. Most dog bites even occur while interacting with familiar dogs.


It is important to understand the fact that any dog has the capacity to bite and by understanding the common reasons as to why they bite gives us more chances to prevent them from biting.


5 Main Reasons Why Dogs Bite

  1. Dog Possessiveness

    Protection of property is a common issue. They can consider anything from food, territory, and toy or even a human being their property. Herding breeds and guard dogs tend to be the worst offenders, but this behaviour can arise in any dog type.

  2. Dog Pain

    Pain felt by dogs can cause even the friendliest one to bite. If your dog becomes snippy for no reason, consider pain as a possible cause and schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a check-up.

  3. Dog Fear

    Dog fear is usually directed towards strangers (postal workers, veterinarians, etc.) or unfamiliar situations. Early socialization is important so that the young dog is exposed to different people.

  4. Maternal Instincts

    Even the most well-trained dog can become a biter when she has puppies. It is best to make sure that the mother dog and her pups have a place where they can feel safe with minimal distraction.

  5. Prey Drive

    This instinct can be triggered by running or cycling past a dog and usually results in a chase.


How to Prevent Dog Biting from Happening

Dog bite prevention definitely should start at home with your own dog and by being a responsible owner. If you do not intend to breed your dog, then have them spayed or neutered. Doing so will help decrease the risk of bite-related behaviours.


Exercise and play with your dog on a regular basis to reinforce the human-animal bond but steer away from aggressive games such as tug of war or wrestling – these can lead to dominance issues.


Train your dog well. They should know basic commands such as ‘stay’, ‘sit’, ‘leave it’, and ‘come’. When you know that it can be dangerous to let your dog to roam free when there are other people present, do not let it roam free.


Keep your vaccinations up-to-date for a worst case scenario. In some places, a dog can be destroyed if they bite someone and it has been proven that they are not up-to-date on vaccines.


If you or your loved one have been bitten a dog, or your dog has bitten someone, contact us immediately at 1.855.905.9222 for legal presentation. We also offer free consultations.