Tips on How to Get Medical Records Following a Personal Injury

At one point or another, you have to request copies of your medical records for your personal injury claim. Your medical records are the most important evidence you can have to back up your demand for settlement. Insurance companies, for one, rely heavily on your records and other documentation. Medical records are usually the focus of personal injury cases.

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When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

You would hear some people say that hiring personal injury lawyers is just a waste of money. However, the skills of an experienced personal injury attorney are worth the money you will be paying that professional to represent you. There are many complex legal rules involved in such cases and there is a severity of injuries that might cause one’s compensation to vary greatly.

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Playground Injuries and Their Long-Term Effects

No parent wants to see their child get injured on a playground. Children are brought to playgrounds for them to have fun and celebrate their childhood, not to be in pain or even worse, injured severely. Though some children tend to stand back up again when they trip or fall, some children can have injuries that lead to long-term effects.

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Slip and Fall Accidents at a Store: What You Need to Know

Are you one of those people who enjoy shopping during summer? Prices tend to be lower than usual and there are many new designs for you to choose from! As fun as it might be to spend this time in stores, there’s still a possibility that you might slip, fall, or otherwise get injured while shopping. If this is the case, you may have a valid legal claim against that store.

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Gym-goers: What Are Your Options When You Get Injured?

People go to the gym to stay in shape and to become more fit. A healthy diet and regular physical exercise have a number of well-documented health benefits. Injuries in gym are not uncommon. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 62,700 injuries related to exercise equipment were treated in emergency rooms in 2014. More than 24,000 involved treadmills.

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Proving Emotional Distress: How it’s Done

Calculating damages for lost wages and medical expenses is usually straightforward in personal injury cases. Medical records and pay stubs provide clear proof of any quantifiable damage. Proving emotional distress, on the other hand, is more subjective. Thus, it can be a bit more difficult to quantify. There can be proof of physical injuries, but plaintiffs might have a difficult time proving to court that they are entitled to damages.

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Hoverboard Injuries: Can this be a Case?

Ever seen one of those boards that kids and teens have been using lately? They are used almost everywhere – at the parks, in the malls, in hallways, etc. As fun as they seem to be, however, a number people from all over the world got injured while using them. The question now is: if you do get injured on a hoverboard, do you have a case?

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pb+jpersonal injury
Denied Disability Insurance Claim - Now What?

Disability insurance is a form of insurance that covers a beneficiary’s earned income should a disability create a barrier for a worker to complete his or her work. However, some people experience having their disability insurance claim denied. When this happens, it sure is devastating. You have to follow the appeals closely so you can still receive your benefits. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when your disability claims get denied.

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pb+jpersonal injury